Blog 6

Review from February:

Email to the best friend(18 years old)

Topic: deals with Chernobyl and extreme tourism, write them and tell them whether they should go to C

Email: most agreed it was dangerous, you cited sources to back up what you were saying. You were trying to find people who agreed with you. This is the method of grade school/high school.

Example from your major where you had to read from the databases on the AUM site: you were asked to DISAGREE with an expert.

<insert your example here>

We’ve had 2 examples–one where we agreed (Chernobyl) and one where we disagreed (article about your major). We’re starting to practice what is called binary thinking. (remember exercise in class). We can’t believe that there are only 2 options. There’s more.

From your book–

“Refusing to spend time in nature is cowardly because it is a significant part of our environment. We can’t ignore it.”

Although I believe that the word “cowardly” is a bit unfair, I do agree that Americans should spend time outdoors. (ambivalent thinking)

Research is a conversation among different perspectives. Rarely are those perspectives just a binary.

Why did I quote Caleb Jones word for word? Why not summarize the source?

Blog 5–Exploration and Proposal

Alyssa Thomas

English Composition 1020

Exploration and Proposal

6 February 2019

            Over the last couple of weeks, we have completed several activities, discussions, and homework that comply with our “apocalypse” theme. Some of these include: writing blog posts, discussing efficient ways to conduct research, and simply viewing photos of radioactive flowers. Our class discussions on how to perform proper research proved to be the most influential for me when choosing a topic. Because of these discussions, I was able to perform efficient research on real-world disasters to help me decide on something crucial for survival. Blog posts were also essential because we were asked to conduct research on natural disasters that have occurred in the past. For my topic, I have chosen to write about developing medical centers across Montgomery. Healthcare is one of the most important steps in disaster management. In the case of a disaster, many people will require medical attention. If there is no power or internet, also depending on other conditions, we may not have access to local hospitals. I would like to make it my mission to build medical centers every five miles throughout the city of Montgomery. I would first begin by gathering as many medical professionals, construction workers, and volunteers as I could possibly find. Given that there is no power this would be difficult, but full access to all major highways would allow for a search of survivors. It is imperative to build these medical centers in close proximity of each other to ensure that all survivors will have access even if they do not have a car. Community efforts will be crucial in the development of these centers, but I am confident that the city of Montgomery would come together to make it happen. When conducting research for this topic I had to develop three research questions: “Why would medical attention be crucial in the case of a disaster?”, “How can we efficiently gather volunteers while staying safe?”, and “How will we gain access to building materials in the case of a disaster?”.

    Strategically Placed Medical Centers Post-Disaster

            I have developed several efficient ways to conduct research since the start of my English 1020 course. When I began research for this topic I simply googled “Why will medical attention be important in the case of a disaster?”. Before choosing a website, I considered only those with seemingly reputable URL’s (such as those ending with .gov). After selecting a site, I verified it’s credibility. This can be done by simply visiting a website’s “about” page, or by scrolling to the bottom to view the website’s certifications. Lastly, I searched for the date that the website was last updated. For example, a website that was last updated three years ago could be providing out-of-date information. We’ve discussed a number of research techniques including the “iceberg technique”. Like an iceberg, many websites may lead to other reliable research sources. The iceberg technique simply consists of using reputable websites to find more reputable websites. For example, a website with an article written by a college professor will likely contain a link to sources the author himself used. Another technique discussed is the CRAAP method. This method involves using five steps to test a website’s credibility beginning with checking its currency, or how up-to-date a site and its information is. Secondly, you should check for relevance, it is important that the information provided is relevant to your topic and explained on a level you can understand. Thirdly, familiarize yourself with the website’s authority, you should always be sure the author is qualified to provide information on the topic. Fourthly, you should check that the information provided is accurate and supported with evidence. Lastly, ask yourself why the article you are reading exist, consider if the author may have bias opinions that reflect in his writing. Google scholar is another efficient way to conduct research as it provides access to scholarly journals written specifically for students. The CRAAP method is the most helpful for me when conducting research, because it allows me to recall what I should look for in a credible website. I would like to improve my knowledge of websites that are well-known for their credibility.

            Once I begin writing about my topic, I’ll first provide a description of the present state of Montgomery, what life was like before the disaster. I’ll then provide a description of the state of things post-disaster (how it happened, impact on nature, etc.). Thirdly, I’ll discuss my proposed topic. I will explain the benefits of strategically placed medical centers throughout the city. This will include a fully-detailed description of the medical centers I plan to build. Such as where they will be located, how they will be built, what type of medical attention you can receive their, etc.. Lastly, I will conclude with how my medical centers will improve the quality of life for the citizens of Montgomery post-disaster.

            I would say that my research and writing skills are pretty sound, but any writer always has room for improvement. I have made leaps and bounds in my writing skills just since beginning my first semester here at AUM. I have many strengths when it comes to my writing and research skills. Writing just seems to flow for me, getting the words to come out isn’t the problem, but choosing the right ones can prove to be a challenge. I sometimes find that I can be repetitive with my word choice. English Composition 1010 helped me get to know myself better as a writer. Take for instance time management, it is important that you give yourself plenty of time to complete an essay. I can now tell how many hours it will take me to complete an essay just by the required number of pages. This of course does not include time for peer review or research, just what comes after its all laid out. I’ve only just begun my journey as a student here at AUM, but I can honestly say that I’ve never been more confident with my writing skills in my life.

Blog 2.5

Blog 2.5 (taking notes means a .5 blog)

  1. Orientation
  2.  Overview of your project (syllabus p2)
  3.  Weapon exercise: Group activity where you had to pick a weapon that would be useful during a disaster/apocalypse

(too narrow a topic)

  • Create a blog for your “short assignments”

           Anne Lamott wrote about how everyday we can write a short amount and get things done.

        D. Describe a situation where you lost power, water, etc. in     blog 1.

    2. Day Two

        A. Interview two classmates about their experience. Interviews can count as primary sources. You just have to give credit to the right person. Gathered raw data with their answers. We then used it to make a fake research paper that day.

 Hw: read “Campus Plumber”

    3. Day Three

        A. NPR and “Fake News”

        B. use of pills

        C. about where our water comes from

        D. “Campus Plumber”

               Ex.You can also search for fake images, such as “radioactive flowers” or “Louisville purge”

   4. Day 4

       A. Iceberg technique—going down the rabbit hole, following the trail, going deeper, digging deeper. Start somewhere simple like but then follow the trail, go deeper. Follow other links that go to published essays, books, and movies.

       B. CRAAP test can help you determine which sources are trustworthy.

            C-Currency/How long ago was it written

            R-Relevance/How important is it to your topic

            A-Authorship/Is the author qualified to make these claims

            A-Accuracy/Are there errors in the info

            P-Purpose/Why was it written

Blog 3:

Find three trustworthy sources that tell you about Fukushima. I want you to use the “iceberg” technique.

Start reading Mike Bunn’s article “How to Read Like a Writer.”

Think about project topic !!

Blog 1

I can recall many times when the power would go out in our home in the midst of a storm. It’s hilarious because as a child I had a deathly fear of thunderstorms, and here in Alabama we have them at least once a day. One particular time that sticks out the most was a quiet stormy evening I had with my family. The power went out around six o’clock. My family members and I scrambled throughout the house in search of candles and blankets. After collecting an ungodly amount of candles, we all sat around the kitchen table and played board games. The power was out for about two to three hours, so my family and I eventually had to return back to reality, but this still stands to be one of the fondest memories I have. Perhaps it was even the cure for my fear of thunderstorms.